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Unicity’s Balance & Unimate

Unicity’s Balance & Unimate

How to Use Unimate:

  • Drink in the morning to help you extend your fast.
  • Enjoy Unimate hot or cold.
  • Mix one packet with 17–24 ounces of water (add more or less to taste).
  • Drink once per day (or as desired).

How to Use Balance:

  • Drink twice daily, 10–15 minutes before your two largest meals.
  • Mix well with 8–10 ounces of cold water. A shaker bottle or hand mixer works best.
  • Drink immediately. Balance is designed to thicken after mixing, and you want this to happen in your stomach, not in your glass.
  • Wait 10–15 minutes before eating.

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Upgrade your willpower with this potent combination to better achieve your metabolic health goals.

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If you decide to order more, take advantage of Elevate’s discounted pricing...

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Elevate Fitness & Rehab   |   147 West 400 North, Orem UT 84057   |   (801) 221-9060   |   fax: (801) 221-9071

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