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“I’ve been so impressed with Elevate’s Reversing Insulin Resistance in 90 Days coaching program for helping our valued patients battle today’s ‘plagues of prosperity’ and for improving both their metabolic, and overall health.”

~ Chris Biesinger, NP                    

“I’ve been so impressed with Elevate’s Reversing Insulin Resistance in 90 Days coaching program for helping our valued patients battle today’s ‘plagues of prosperity’ and for improving both their metabolic, and overall health.”


~ Chris Biesinger, NP

Today’s “Plagues of Prosperity” have one thing in common—a condition known as Insulin Resistance.

These disorders (and many others) have one thing in common… To varying degrees, each is caused or made worse by the inability of the hormone insulin to perform as it should—a condition largely within our control called Insulin Resistance. Odds are high if you’re suffering from these disorders, that you’re significantly affected by this condition. Elevate is a member of The Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners which represents researchers improving the world’s metabolic health through education, training and evidence-based nutritional approaches, including carbohydrate restriction as a valid therapeutic option.

Today’s “Plagues of Prosperity” have one thing in common—a condition known as Insulin Resistance.

  • type 2 diabetes
  • heart disease and strokes
  • obesity and migraines
  • dementia and osteoarthritis
  • childhood obesity
  • PCOS and fatty liver disease
  • alzheimer’s disease
  • erectile dysfunction
  • sarcopenia and arthritis
  • high blood pressure

These disorders (and many others) have one thing in common… To varying degrees, each is caused or made worse by the inability of the hormone insulin to perform as it should—a condition largely within our control called Insulin Resistance. Odds are high if you’re suffering from these disorders, that you’re significantly affected by this condition.

Chris Biesinger:  “Schedule a short Zoom call with my friend, Rich Hart.”

Dr. Biesinger:  “Schedule a short Zoom call with my friend, Rich Hart.”

Schedule a no-obligation Zoom visit with Elevate founder, Rich Hart, by clicking >here.

Come with your questions. No weird hype or pressure—and certainly, no obligation. We want you to have a meaningful opportunity to see if Elevate Coaching would be a good fit for you.

Schedule Your Free, No-Obligation Coaching Session

Come with your questions! No weird hype or pressure—and certainly, no obligation. We want you to have a meaningful opportunity to see if Elevate Coaching would be a good fit for you.

Chris Biesinger:  “With a little support, you can improve your metabolic (and overall) health!”

Dr. Biesinger:  “With a little support, you can start reversing these conditions for better health.”

“Take Elevate’s 90-Day Challenge...”

Perhaps you’ve heard of something called “The 21/90 Rule.”  The concept is that it takes 21 days to create a habit—then, it takes 90 days to make it a consistent, meaningful part of your lifestyle. So, make the commitment to yourself (and to the people in your life you love) to do this long enough to make a difference. After all, it’s likely taken you a lifetime to get to where you are today. Invest 90 days to turn things around for good.


  • A 90-Day Clinical Study:  In August of 2019, a peer-reviewed clinical case study about Elevate’s 90-day coaching program was published:


Note: You can use “gear” icon at video bottom to watch at double speed.

“Coaching sessions take place here, at my office.”

“My friends at Elevate Fitness & Rehab in Orem have established an actual ‘coaching room’ here at my practice’s facility in Spanish Fork. The purpose is to make it convenient for my patients to meet with an Elevate coach each week to discuss their progress and set goals for the coming week.”

“Also, if you would prefer to meet with an Elevate coach at their facility in Orem, you can make arrangements to do that instead, if you’d like. Either way, during your coaching session, your Elevate coach will have you step up on a ‘metabolic scale’ during your visit that will provide important, critical information about your body—and about your progress each week—that will help your coach answer your questions about your progression, and help you set goals for the upcoming week.”

“I receive no compensation for this.”


“It’s very important to me that you know that I do not receive any compensation, of any kind, for making this recommendation to you. I simply have great respect for the team at Elevate and I have seen how amazing their coaching results are and how much they have helped so many of my patients.”

“I just want my patients to be healthier—period.”

“Take Elevate’s 90-Day Challenge...”

“The 21/90 Rule” suggests  that it takes 21 days to create a habit—then, it takes 90 days to make it a consistent, meaningful part of your life. Make the commitment to do this long enough to make a difference. After all, it’s likely taken you a lifetime to get to where you are today. Invest 90 days to turn things around for good.


  • Watch the 90-Day Clinical Study below:
  • no drugs, no supplements
  • nothing to buy
  • no excessive exercise
  • no gimmicks—just learning to eat and think differently



“Coaching sessions take place here, at my office in Spanish Fork.”

“My friends from Elevate make it convenient for you to meet here, with a coach each week, to discuss your progress and set goals for the coming week. During your session, your coach will have you step on a ‘metabolic scale’ that provides important, critical information about your body to help your coach answer questions about your progression, and help you set goals for the upcoming week.”


“I receive no compensation for this.”


“It’s important to me that you know that I do not receive any compensation for making this recommendation to you. I’ve simply seen how remarkable Elevate’s coaching results are and how much they’ve helped many of my patients.”

“I just want my patients to be healthier—period.”